Welcome to Our LTC Division
We are so happy you're here!
Nursing homes and skilled care facilities have utilized CareLinc Medical Equipment as a trusted partner in business for over 25 years. Our mission states "at home or wherever you are..." and for LTC, that service can be anywhere from nursing homes, hospice homes, adult foster care, assisted living, memory care units, NICU, and beyond...
Clinical services/Education:
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy and Education (by CWCMS staff)
Wound Care Training (by CWCMS staff)
CPAP & BiLevel (BIPAP) Therapy Options
Trach Care and Assessments
Ventilator Program
Clinical Respiratory Modalities and Monitoring Systems
Nursing Home Staff Competency Training and Verification
CareLinc's Long Term Care Division has an abundance of Respiratory Therapists to assist in the management and care of residents who are at risk for respiratory issues. Our Respiratory Therapists have extensive experience in both acute and long-term care facilities and are highly qualified to provide customized in-services to meet individual resident needs. Coordinating with our dedicated advanced respiratory intake and processing team, respiratory therapists can provide setup and instruction of resident equipment and help to prepare and transition residents as they progress through the discharge continuum.
Billing Services:
The CareLinc LTC team are experts in understanding what is reimbursable by insurance based on your facility and location.
Allow our team to help with Medicaid reimbursement, including:
Concentrator and Portable Oxygen
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
Integrated Bed Systems
- Concentrator
Invasive Ventilation
Noninvasive Ventilation
Need help or more information? Please contact us!